A key ring and lockbox activity provides fine motor practice along with shape and color matching--skills that are foundational for early math.
Activity cards help to illustrate math concepts that teach one-to-one correspondence and simple addition.
Sensory trays are often used to practice letter, shape and number recognition. Salt provides tactile and visual stimulation.
The Early Preschool classroom is structured specifically for our youngest learners. We will gently introduce your child to the routines and expectations of a working classroom environment. The process of socialization and self help skills is the focus with this age group. The structure of the Early Preschool classroom will transform over the course of the school year. Initially, children will be in two groups of five--each group facilitated by a teacher. As the year progresses and attention and attention span has increased,the learners will follow a child-directed format that allows students choices during activity centers. In early preschool, your child will learn to follow directions and classroom routines; develop language and listening skills and participate in group activities and discussions; learn to make choices; learn to play successfully near/with other students; and develop self-help skills including bathroom independence.
Language Arts
Early Math & Number Sense
Natural Science
Social Science
Motor Skills
School Readiness
Language Arts
Early Math & Number Sense
Natural Science
Social Science
Motor Skills
School Readiness
Because we are preparing your child for Kindergarten, you will notice that the structure of the classroom is much different than the open format of the preschool program. In Pre-K, your child will:
~Be expected to work independently and cooperatively during class time
~Be expected to participate in learning centers within small rotating groups
~Be expected to participate in discussions and activities during circle time and centers
~Be expected to work independently and cooperatively during class time
~beginning phonics
Language Arts
The Language Arts Curriculum incorporates lessons and practice activities that build specific pre-reading and writing skills including:
~beginning phonics
~phonemic awareness
~sight word recognition (30+ words)
~alphabet recognition
~phonemic awareness
~pencil and paper work (handwriting)
~storytelling and elements of literature
~pencil and paper work (handwriting)
~rhyming and poetry
~blending (cv, vc, & cvc)
~number relationships
Early Math & Number Sense
Hands on math activities are used to explore early math skills and to build a well-rounded concept of numbers and number sense. Skills include:
~number relationships
~measurement concepts
~writing and recognition
~early counting
~measurement concepts
~geometric thinking
~sorting and patterning
~less, more, equal to
~place vale and estimation
~up & back counting & counting on
~less, more, equal to
~introduction to fractions (parts of a whole)
~two more than
~introduction to 5 frame and 10 frame
~introduction to fractions (parts of a whole)
~counting by 2's
~number line
~addition & subtraction
~counting by 2's
~All About Me
Natural Science & Social Science
~The monthly thematic structure provides students with the opportunity to explore the world they live in from a "child-centered" prespective. Monarch's thematic structure incorporates science and social studies into the curriculum. The thematic units for the Pre-K program include:
~All About Me
~The Human Body
~Friends & Family
~Jungle, Dessert, & Mountain Habitats
~Oceans, Lakes & Rivers
~All About Me
~Seasons & Weather
~All About Me
~Alphabet symbols & sounds
Academic Assessments for School Readiness
Assessments for school readiness help to identify strengths and weaknesses and provide teachers with and opportunity to individualize curriculum for each child. Assessments are given at the beginning, middle, and end of each school year and include:
~Alphabet symbols & sounds
~Phonemic Awareness
~Number Sense